Useful for improving visual impairment, supplement to nourish the liver and kidney, suppress liver-fire and liver-yang for treating internal oculopathy and restoring vision, syndrome of deficiency yin and the flaming-up of asthenic fire manifested as blepharitis, cataract, conjunctivitis, glaucoma, night blindness, ocular pain, poor vision, red eyes, etc.
Product label: Tribulus & Chrysanthemum Combo (Nei Zhang Yan Ming Wan)
Used name: Vision A Formula
Packing: 120 pills (250mg each) / bottle, a bundle of 3 bottles for sale and US free shipping
Manufactured by Natural Health Care Enterprise Guangzhou, China.
Simple-leaf chaste tree (fruit)
Tribulus (fruit)
Dong quai (root)
Ligusticum wallichii (rhizome)
Schizonepeta (aboveground parts)
Chrysanthemum (flower)
Chinese mint (aboveground parts)
Indian goldthread (rhizome)
Trichosanthes (root)
Actions: Nourishes liver and kidney yin and blood, sedates heat, tonifies and circulates qi and blood, nourishes spleen qi, improve vision.
Indications: Impairment of vision due to liver yin deficiency with heat, with the symptoms of cataract, glaucoma, itchy painful eyes, impaired day or night vision, and recovery following eye surgery.*
Direction: As a dietary supplement, take 8 pills each time, 3 times a day.
Caution: Do not use during pregnancy.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
汉语拼音:nei zhang yan ming wan